Teachnology Name syllabus Certification Projects Name Timing


Introduction to Web Development

HTML Structure and Basic Tags

Lists and Links , Images and Multimedia

Forms and Input Elements

Intermediate HTML and Introduction to CSS

HTML Tables, HTML Semantic Elements

Introduction to CSS

CSS Box Model, CSS Flexbox

CSS Layout, CSS Grid

Advanced CSS, CSS Transitions and Animations

CSS Preprocessors (e.g., SASS)

Responsive Web Design and Project Work

Responsive Web Design, Project Work

Project Presentation and Evaluation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD

Personal Portfolio Website

E-commerce Landing Page

Blog Website

Company Website Redesign

Travel Booking Website

E-learning Platform

Social Media Profile

News Aggregator

ortfolio for a Fictional Business

Fashion Lookbook

3 Month


Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript Basics,Control Flow,Functions

Arrays and Objects,DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

Event Handling, Form Validation

Project: Interactive To-Do List

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

Working with Promises,Fetch API and AJAX

Project: Weather App

Intermediate JavaScript Concepts, ES6 Features

Local Storage and Cookies

Introduction to Third-Party Libraries,Debugging and Performance Optimization

Project Presentation and Evaluation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD

Social Media Dashboard

Online Code Editor

Interactive Data Visualization

E-commerce Product Recommendatio

Portfolio Website Builder

Stock Market Tracker

Weather Forecast Dashboard

Interactive Map Applicatio

Online Quiz Platform

Task Automation Tool

3 Month

Android Developement

Introduction to Android Development

Android Layouts and User Interface

Android Activities and Intents

Activities and Navigation,Fragments and UI Components

Data Persistence and Storage,SQLite Database

Shared Preferences and File Storage

Networking and API Integration

HTTP Requests and Networking

Building a RESTful API Client

User Interface and User Experience

UI/UX Design Principles, Material Design Guidelines

Advanced Topics and Project Work

App Testing and Debugging, Publishing and Distribution

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Travel Journal App
Health and Wellness Tracker
Language Translation App
Social Networking Platform
Task Sharing and Collaboration App
Flashcard Quiz App
AR/VR Experience App
Public Transportation App
Covid-19 Tracker App
Food Delivery and Ordering App
3 Month

IOS Developement

Introduction to iOS Development
Swift Programming Language,User Interface and Storyboards
Interface Builder and Storyboards
Auto Layout and Constraints,iOS View Controllers
Table Views and Collection Views
Data Persistence and Storage
Networking and API Integration
User Interface and User Experience
UI/UX Design Principles
Accessibility and Localization
Advanced Topics and Project Work
App Testing and Debugging
Push Notifications and Background Tasks
Project Work and Final Project Presentation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
To-Do List App
Weather App
Expense Tracker
Recipe Finder
Note-Taking App
E-commerce Shopping App
Social Media Feed
Chat Application
Travel Booking App
Location-Based App
3 Month

ReactNative Developement

Introduction to React Native
React and JavaScript Fundamentals
User Interface and Styling,Styling in React Native
Navigation and Routing, State Management with Redux
Async Actions and Middleware
Data Persistence and API Integration
Data Persistence,API Integration
Advanced Topics and Libraries
Advanced Styling and Animations
Device Features and Plugins
Testing, Debugging, and Deployment
Deployment and Distribution
Project Work and Final Project Presentation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD

Inventory Management System

Task Management Application

Online Learning Platform

Real-Time Chat Application

Finance and Budgeting Tool

Job Portal

Content Management System (CMS)

Property Rental Platform

Employee Attendance System

Event Management Platform

3 Month

Flutter Development

Introduction to Flutter

Dart Programming Language

Widgets and UI Elements

Layouts and Responsive Design

Navigation and Routing

Form Handling and Validation

State Management in Flutter

State Management with Provider

API Integration and Data Persistence

API Integration,Local Data Storage

Advanced Topics and Libraries

Advanced UI Components

Device Features and Plugins

Testing, Debugging, and Deployment

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD

Market Research and Analysis

Content Creation and Marketing

SEO Optimization

Data Analysis and Visualization

Mobile App Testing

Sales and Lead Generation

Product Development and Prototyping

Graphic Design and Branding

Quality Assurance and Testing

Nonprofit Project Management

3 Month

PHP/Laravel Developement

Introduction to PHP and Laravel

PHP Basics,Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP

PHP Advanced Topics

Introduction to Laravel

Laravel Routing and Views

Database Management with Laravel

Database Configuration and Migrations

Eloquent ORM

Authentication and Authorization

User Authentication,Authorization and Permissions

RESTful API Development

Building RESTful APIs with Laravel

Testing and Debugging in Laravel

Advanced Topics and Project Work/h3>

Building a Full-Featured Web Application

Deployment and Best Practices

Project Presentation and Graduation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD

Document Collaboration Platform

Online Auction Platform

Inventory Analytics Dashboard

CRM for Nonprofits

Blockchain-Based Voting System

Library Management System

Legal Case Management

Appointment Scheduling App

E-Learning Marketplace

Travel Expense Reporting App

Agriculture Management System

Gaming Leaderboard

3 Month

ReactJs Developement

Introduction to React.js

React Components

Component Lifecycle and State Management

State Management with Context and Redux

Routing and Navigation

Client-Side Routing with React Router

Forms and Form Handling

Advanced Topics and Project Work

Working with APIs

Advanced React Topics

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
E-Learning Platform
Recipe Sharing App
Travel Blog and Journal
Weather Dashboard
Stock Market Tracker
Online Quiz and Survey Platform
E-commerce Dashboard
Social Networking Feed
Task Automation Tool
Travel Itinerary Planner
Event Ticket Booking App
3 Month

AngularJs Development

Introduction to AngularJS
AngularJS Controllers and Views
Directives and Custom Directives
Filters and Services
Dependency Injection and Routing
AngularJS Forms and Validation
Working with Forms,Form Validation
Testing in AngularJS
Advanced AngularJS Topics
AngularJS Animation
Promises and Asynchronous Operations
Localization and Internationalization
Project Presentation and Graduation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Music Streaming App
Online Marketplace
Weather Forecast App
Recipe Sharing Platform
Chat and Messaging Application
Event Registration and Management
News Aggregator and Reader
Appointment Scheduling System
Library Catalog System
Community Forum
3 Month

NodeJs Development

Introduction to Node.js
Core Node.js Modules
Express.js Framework
Introduction to Express.js
Middleware and Templating
Database Integration
Connecting to Databases
CRUD Operations,Authentication and Security
User Authentication,Security Best Practices
Asynchronous Programming
Promises and Async/Await
Event Loop and Streams
Testing, Deployment, and Advanced Topics
Deployment and Optimization
Project Presentation and Graduation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Real-Time Chat Application
E-commerce Backend
Inventory Management System
Social Media Analytics Dashboard
Blog Platform with CMS
Task and Project Management Tool
File Sharing and Collaboration Platform
Job Posting and Application System
Authentication and Authorization Service
Event Ticketing API
3 Month

Wordpress Development

Introduction to WordPress
WordPress Installation and Configuration
Themes and Templates
WordPress Themes
Template Hierarchy and Template Tags
Plugins and Widgets,WordPress Plugins
Widgets and Sidebars
Advanced WordPress Development
Custom Post Types and Taxonomies
Custom Fields and Metaboxes
Security and Performance
WordPress Security
Performance Optimization
SEO for WordPress
Analytics and Monitoring
Project Work and Final Project Presentation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Membership Website
Online Booking System
Travel Blog
Portfolio Website
Job Board
Real Estate Listings
Event Calendar and Registration
E-commerce Store
Recipe Sharing Blog
Multilingual Website
3 Month

Python Development

Introduction to Python

Python Data Types and Variables

Control Flow and Functions

Conditional Statements, Loops and Iterations

Functions and Modules,Functions in Python

Working with Modules

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Inheritance and Polymorphism

File Handling and Error Handling

Working with Files, Error Handling

Python Libraries and Advanced Topics

Python Standard Libraries

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
E-commerce Website with Django
Data Visualization Dashboard
Real-time Chat Application
Recipe Recommendation System
Task Management App
Weather App with API Integration
AI Chatbot
Expense Tracker App
E-mail Automation Tool
AI-Based Image Recognition
3 Month

UI/UX Design

Introduction to UI/UX Design

User-Centered Design

Information Architecture and Wireframing

Information Architecture (IA)

Wireframing and Prototyping

Visual Design Principles

Color Theory and Typography

Layout and Composition, UI Design and Interaction Design

UI Design Best Practices

Interaction Design and Animation

Usability Testing and User Feedback

Design Tools and Advanced Topics

Design Tools (e.g., Sketch, Figma)

Advanced Topics and Trends

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
E-commerce Website Redesign
Mobile App User Interface (UI) Design
Web Application Redesign
Responsive Website Design
Food Delivery App UI/UX:
Portfolio Website Design
E-Mail Newsletter Redesig
Weather App User Interface
Travel Blog Website Redesign
Virtual Reality (VR) Experience
3 Month

Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Python for Machine Learning

Supervised Learning,Regression Analysis

Classification Algorithms

Unsupervised Learning

Clustering,Dimensionality Reduction

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Analysis

Introduction to NLP

Sequence Models and RNNs

Model Deployment and Advanced Topics

Model Deployment,Advanced Topics

Project Work and Final Project Presentation

Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Image Classification for Medical Diagnosis
Sentiment Analysis for Social Media
Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment
Customer Churn Prediction
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Chatbot
Face Recognition and Authentication
Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles
Handwriting Recognition
Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions
Recommendation System for Content Streaming
3 Month

Artifical Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Python for AI
Machine Learning Foundations
Supervised Learning
Model Evaluation and Optimization
Unsupervised Learning
Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
Recommendation Systems
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Analysis
Sequence Models and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
Reinforcement Learning and Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics
Project Work and Final Project Presentation
Kiaantechnology.com SDN BHD
Conversational AI Chatbot
Image Captioning AI
Recommendation System for Personalization
AI-Powered Healthcare Diagnostics
AI-Powered Virtual Personal Assistan
AI-Enhanced Video Analytics
AI for Fraud Detection
AI for Predictive Maintenanc
AI-Driven Social Media Analysis
AI-Based Autonomous Navigation
AI for Renewable Energy Optimization
3 Month