Addressable Geofencing Services

Addressable Geofencing Advertising Services Your audience, whether business buyers, consumers, or both, is elusive. With addressable geofencing, however, that’s about to change. Our addressable geofencing services help your company launch hyper-targeted, addressed-based campaigns that drive in-store visits, phone calls, and most of all, sales.

Amplify Your Advertising ROI With Addressable Geofencing Services

For almost 85% of marketers, location-based advertising creates more effective ad campaigns. It also improves the customer experience, generates higher conversion rates, and lifts sales and store visits. Companies looking to grow their market share can’t afford to ignore addressable geofencing.
Our addressable geofencing services let your business take advantage of addressed-based geofencing without the hassle of developing a strategy, launching a set of geofences, and monitoring your campaign.
Learn more about our addressable geofencing services, from how they can help your company generate more sales to how much they cost, by contacting our experienced team of strategists. Contact us online to get started now.


benefits of addressable geofencing services for B2B and B2C businesses

Whether your organization operates in the business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) sector, addressable geofencing is a smart and effective strategy. You can target the location of businesses, as well as residential neighborhoods, to reach and convert your audience with ease. Nine additional benefits of addressable geofencing services include:

1. Improve your geofencing ad targeting

Ad campaigns with little-to-no targeting fail hard and fast.
That’s why targeting has become a core component of digital advertising. With options like location, age, interests, and more, your business can create hyper-targeted ads that reach the people you want versus only a sliver of your audience.
Kiaantechnology addressable geofencing advertising services amplify the targeting of online advertising.
Our geofencing software uses property tax information and plat line maps, for example, which show the different subdivisions of a piece of land, to pull the latest data.

Scale your geofencing campaign

2. Scale your geofencing campaign to your needs

Every advertising campaign is different.
Whether you’re trying to encourage shoppers to come out for a seasonal sale at your retail store or drive quote requests year-round as a part of your HVAC advertising strategy, all your campaigns will have a different goal. In some cases, they may even have separate audiences, especially if your business serves both B2B and B2C users. That’s why a scalable addressable geofencing solution is critical.
If you don’t have a scalable solution, your team will have to bounce back and forth between providers and applications. It’s a hassle, and you don’t need it. With Kiaantechnology, you don’t even have to worry about this problem.
Our addressable geofencing software can target up to one million addresses per campaign.

 Attribute foot traffic, sales, and leads to your geofencing ads

3. Attribute foot traffic, sales, and leads to your geofencing ads

With online marketing, especially geofencing advertising, it’s essential to credit your different channels.
For example, if your company receives a phone call because of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy or social media advertising campaign, you want to know about it. The same thought process applies to your addressable geofencing efforts.
If those ads result in a sale, store visit, or call, you want to know because it helps you measure that strategy’s effectiveness.
Our addressable geofencing services help your team track and credit the following to your campaigns:
Web forms, like a quote request form
Ecommerce-related actions, like a purchase
Foot traffic, like a store visit

Enhance the performance of other ad campaigns

4. Enhance the performance of other ad campaigns

Depending on your business, you may use other types of advertising and marketing.
For example, your company may already target specific addresses with direct mail or advertise to certain areas with traditional pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Either way, you can use addressable geofencing advertising to support these other ad strategies.
This benefit of addressable geofencing is beyond valuable.
That’s because companies with an omnichannel approach to marketing and advertising retain almost 90% of their customers. In comparison, companies that don’t use omnichannel strategies have a client retention rate of less than 35%.
With a multi-channel approach to marketing and advertising, your business can reinforce your message (and unique offer) via different outlets. You can also build brand awareness and reach the ultimate goal of your advertising strategy: sales.

Use cross-device targeting

5. Use cross-device targeting

While only 31% of transactions come from cross-device interactions (which is when a user bounces between multiple devices, like from their phone to their computer, before converting), cross-device targeting is still a valuable tool in online advertising, including addressable geofencing.
It’s also critical for companies operating offline and online.
According to a Google study on electronics, services, and retail purchases, over 80% of consumers conduct research and make purchases using both channels. For example, someone may discover your product online and then buy it at your store later. Or, vice versa.
Using cross-device targeting provides your business with additional opportunities to reach your audience and make your offer. It also lets you benefit from competitors who may ignore cross-device targeting and focus all their efforts on a single channel or device.
Our addressable geofencing services make it easy for your company to take advantage of cross-device targeting. You can target mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, which helps you reach users in varying stages of the buying funnel, from awareness to purchase.

Amplify your ad personalization

6. Amplify your ad personalization

Personalization matters to not only shoppers but also business buyers.
Around 91% of consumers, for example, are more likely to shop with businesses that create a personalized marketing experience. Amazon is one of the best examples of companies that deliver a personalized experience by recommending products.
Tailoring your marketing and advertising efforts can also have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. Recent studies show that personalization can lower acquisition costs up to 50%, as well as improve revenue by five to 15%.
With geofencing solutions like our addressable geofencing services, your business (and dedicated Kiaantechnology account manager) can create a targeted and personalized campaign. These campaigns appeal to your audience’s needs. Plus, they help you maximize the benefits of geofencing.

Who can use addressable geofencing services?

Companies across industries can take advantage and benefit from addressable geofencing, including: