Website Maintenance, Site Security, and Support Services

Get peace of mind with Kiaantechnology monthly, hourly, or after-hours website maintenance services. For decades businesses around the globe have trusted Kiaantechnology as their website maintenance services companies. Request a proposal today to start protecting your site!

Your search for website maintenance services ends here

When your company partners with Kiaantechnology, you:


Reclaim your work day

Get a dedicated web development team with Kiaantechnology 500+ in-house team of developers, project managers, designers, and more.


Protect your site

Protect your site from downtime, data breaches, and more with our full-service website maintenance solutions that operate around the clock.


Grow your bottom-line

Less downtime means more uptime for generating revenue for your business — and with Kiaantechnology marketing tech, you can even grow your marketing returns by 20% (or more)!


Streamline your strategy

Bring marketing and maintenance together with Kiaantechnology full-service solutions and 500+ experts for marketing your business online — and maintaining its site.

Website Infrastructure: Building a Strong Foundation

Website infrastructure refers to the underlying framework, technologies, and components that work together to deliver a website to users. A solid website infrastructure lays the groundwork for a responsive, secure, and reliable online presence. Key components of website infrastructure include:

Hosting Services:

Choose between shared, VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated, or cloud hosting based on your website's needs. Cloud hosting, which offers scalability and redundancy, has gained popularity for its flexibility.

Domain Name System (DNS):

DNS translates domain names into IP addresses, enabling users to access your website using human-readable URLs. Proper DNS management ensures quick and accurate routing of user requests.